Simple Text Emails
Create your message in simple text and easily add attachments to your broadcast. Mailrail supports .jpg , .gif, .doc, .xls and pdf format for attachments.
Customized Html Mail
Use our HTML Editor tool and create templates and newsletters. Create your own HTML email message compatible with major clients. Insert bullets, hyperlinks and graphics. Preview your message before you send it. Import your own HTML template into our HTML editor tool and send fully customized messages.
Professional Templates
Whether you run a restaurant or a retail outlet. Mailrail has developed a range of free templates for various categories and industries. Select any one of our templates and edit text, images etc .Choose from various templates and highlight your marketing message.
Upload your Images
Upload frequently used images in our image gallery. Utilize them to create different email marketing campaigns. Fetch images from Image gallery. We support various image formats(.jpg/.gif/.bmp/.png)
Send your Newsletter
View your broadcast in a webpage. Send your broadcast as a link to open in a web browser. If the broadcast is not viewable to some contacts they can opt to view the message on a webpage. Allow recipients to share the webpage on social media sites. Simply submit a HTML link . Add images from your image gallery to your webpage. Edit these images with our HTML Editor tool. Create new designs from existing URL's however you must own a copyright to the URL or webpage you use this feature.
Schedule your Broadcast
You can schedule your Mailrail email campaigns to be sent at a particular time. Schedule a time for every broadcast. Create campaigns with your existing list, and send them at the exact date, or dates that you specify - down to the minute..
Draft your email
Create and save campaigns for future use or reference. Edit and send it at a latter time.
Forward / Subscribe Links
Increase your message reach by including a forward link in your message. Grow your list by including subscribe links to the footer of your broadcast. Track how many messages have been forwarded and who subscribed to receive your messages.
Compliance with CAN-SPAM law
CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (USA) establishes the first national standard for sending commercial emails. This law specifies that every email must adhere to unsubscribe, content and sending behavior compliances. Mailrail ensures compliance with these standards.
Single Mail Delivery for Duplicate Contacts
Sending broadcasts to multiple lists can result in duplicated contacts receiving the same message. Mailrail confirms that every contact receives only one mail for every broadcast sent. This makes your email marketing more reputable and sustainable