Protecting your Privacy
It is our goal at Mailrail to provide you highest quality of service and we are absolutely committed to protecting your privacy.
Mailrail has a no tolerance spam policy. Mailrail prohibits the transmission, distribution, and delivery of any unsolicited e-mail ("spam"). If you send spam using Mailrail, your account will be terminated without notice. You may not use Mailrail to send spam.
All emails sent using Mailrail must be transmitted with the receiver's full consent (opt-in). If a subscriber opts out, you may not continue to send to that email address. As part of the End User Service Agreement (EUSA) that all users must sign and accept, all users agree to send only permission-based email. Mailrail does not authorize the harvesting, mining or collection of e-mail addresses or other information from or through a third party. Please report any suspected abuse to